Monday, December 17, 2007

The book 'Real answers to The Meaning of Life and finding Happiness' is now available to be browsed and purchased online

Real Answers to The Meaning of Life and Finding Happiness

Do note that there are 2 formats of the book, one in paperback and the other in eBook.

This is the book's paperback website at iUniverse-

The book can be browsed online up to page 17 and reveals my formulated answer to The Meaning of Life. However, I would like to think that the more important chapters are those found after page 17.

Readers in the United States can now reserve the book at their local Borders bookstores for in-store pickup. Search for the book's availability at the Borders site.

I have made an inquiry to Borders Singapore and they have told me Singapore readers can also order and collect the book at local Borders stores. It is priced at SGD$17.95. Pay a deposit of SGD$15.00 and the book will arrive 4 - 6 weeks after the order has been processed.

Readers from other countries, do check with your local Borders store for the book's order. This would save the costs from direct shipping.

The book can also be ordered from in english, japanese, french, and german.

Do also note that the eBook is copy-protected. Quoted from,

"eBooks are protected with Digital Rights Management software (DRM). DRM protects eBooks from being copied and distributed for free by making an eBook readable only on the computer that it is downloaded to. Copies of the eBook file cannot be made, and the file cannot be read if it is moved to another computer."

If you like what you read online and wish to read further chapters, do buy the book as it would provide me with the funds to continue with my research and publish more books. If this book is well-received, I would continue my research and publish an advanced revised version of it.

I hope readers can find their needed answers from the book.

I can be contacted at

P.S. update 23/01/08

Readers in the United States can now reserve the book at their local Borders bookstores for in-store pickup. Search for the book's availability at the Borders site.

P.S. update 25/01/08

I have made an inquiry to Borders Singapore and they have told me Singapore readers can also order and collect the book at local Borders stores. It is priced at SGD$17.95. Pay a deposit of SGD$15.00 and the book will arrive 4 - 6 weeks after the order has been processed.

Readers from other countries, do check with your local Borders store for the book's order. This would save the costs from direct shipping.

P.S. update 15/03/08

I would like to clarify some important points relevant to the book.

The effects of negativity and positivity on the mind

Negativity in the mind causes discontinuity in the flow of information that results in falseness and ignorance. Positive flow promotes understanding of knowledge in the proper links between causes and effects.

Negativity in the mind results in many falseness and illusions in perception. Positivity results in truthfulness and understanding.

How do negative and positive people perceive the meanings or purposes of objects or people?

Negative people affected by negativity's blockages are in need to release accumulated negativity in their behavior and block others' flow of identity, since they do not resolve ignorance through positive understanding. Their negatively distorted perception causes them to often perceive objects or people to carry negativity-releasing purposes that can be found in many abuses and perversions they commit.

Positive people are influenced to resolve negativity in their behavior through positive understanding. Their positive perception allows them to perceive objects or people to have their role in resolving negativity and promoting understanding. Therefore they often perform deeds that results in the alleviation of negativity, suffering and ignorance.

How does negativity affect people to be cold or warm, selfish or kind?

Negative people's heavily constricted minds causes them to tune out and focus on honoring their ego. This makes them ignorant, selfish and egoistic. They are not easily affected by other people's flow of identity in order to be kind and compassionate.

Positive people's wide perception allows them to recognize and be affected by the flow of other people's identity. This allows them to cherish the positive flow of others and makes them understanding, selfless, kind, loving and preserving.

How does one perceive objects or people to carry negative or positive purposes or meanings?

Objects and people can be seen to carry negative purposes if they are seen to be negativity-releasing that do not properly resolve the true causes of the negative imbalances present.

They are seen to carry positive purposes if they are seen to be negativity-resolving that promote understanding and proper resolution of imbalances around them.

How do positive and negative perceptions contribute towards resolving imbalances?

Positive perception allows a person to realize the true links between causes and their effects and allows proper resolution of imbalances from their specific causes.

Negativity clouds the mind from realizing the true causes of imbalances. The negative person would always be searching but remain lost at where to resolve the true causes of imbalances.

P.S. update 08/06/08

I am working on my second book focusing on advanced topics like vibrational Happiness and Ascension(Buddhism). I hope it would be out within this year.

P.S. update 08/06/08

This is something I wrote in reply to a Facebook comment. It is similar to what I wrote in my book about Anger.

The explanations of Anger

We feel angry if others do not see us to have equal rights.

If people have the intentions to jump our queue or road lane or release negative emotions at us and showing disrespect, we would think that they see us as lesser, unimportant and unworthy people, and that they are more important, in order for them to show more right by doing whatever they want in disregard of acceptable social behavior.

When people do not apologize in such cases, we might confirm that their behavior was indeed intentional. If people apologize, it would most likely mean that their behavior was not intentional.

When we see that others' bad behavior was intentional, we realize that they did not recognize our importance and rights. We might sense the non-logic, injustice from the situation. The feelings of imbalance in our Central Nervous System would lead to the emergence of emotions in our conscious minds.

A common emotion in such a situation is anger. We feel angry due to our repressed need to correct the illogical imbalance in such a situation. We often try to resolve our anger by doing what our tormentors did to us intentionally, by restricting them in the same way that they restricted us. If they jumped our queue, our anger would cause us to want to jump their queue.

We often feel angry because we do not understand how people's perception can be flawed to under gauge our worth. If we can be understanding of people's weaknesses and flaws in their judgment, we would be understanding instead of over-reacting that can lead to negative emotions such as anger and hatred.

Demonstrating equal rights by showing consideration through behavior would make people feel respected and equal. This would no doubt lead to peace.

Monday, November 12, 2007

My book, "Real answers to The Meaning of Life and finding Happiness" is completed

Greetings to all, my name is Timothy Tang and I have just completed the book, "Real answers to The Meaning of Life and finding Happiness".

Many people feel that the interpretation to The Meaning of Life question is too subjective to have any definite objective answer. However, from my intensive research, I have managed to formulate a real and objective answer to the ultimate question of human existence. The answer comes in two levels, one that is based on non-religion and another that is based on religion. The answer is therefore applicable to people whether or not they have a belief in a higher intelligence or an after-life.

The answer in the book may or may not be the one that people are looking for because people's belief systems are vastly different. However for myself, I am very certain I found the real genuine answer because the answer is very workable for my life and I feel great meaning/purpose and happiness in everything I do. This is why I was so keen to publish the book and share the important knowledge with others with the hope that they can also find purpose, direction and happiness in their lives. The book also sheds light on a new understanding of emotions such as Anger, Desire, Fear, Guilt, Temptation and Love.

The book is undergoing the publishing process by iUniverse ( right as I am writing this blog entry. It should be available within middle December 2007. The price for the paperback is us$9.95 and the electronic book version (EBook) is US$6. Do note that the Ebook would be copy protected, which means that once it has been downloaded onto a computer, it cannot be transferred to another computer. I would post a new blog entry to notify the book's website once it is available for purchase. Do remember to check it out.

Here are samples of the book's contents, introduction and back cover-

What is The Meaning of Life question really asking?
What is Reality and Balance?
What is Meaning or Purpose?
What is Human Life?
Formulating the answer to The Meaning of Life
What can be achieved by seeking The Meaning of Life?
What is the meaning of one's life?
Why do people mess up their lives?
Hints of The Meaning of Life from Religion
Can Morality exist without Religion?
Asking the 'what if' guilt question
Having the will to live vs Death
Positive and Negative people
Negativity in bullies
Stalking and preserving Positivity
How are people good or evil?
Positive emotions
What is Fear?
What is Anger and Hatred?
What is Happiness and how to find it?
What is Beauty?
What is Love?
What is Perversion?
What is Addiction?
Temptation and Greed
Positivity and Negativity in Learning
Positivity and Negativity in the family
Hiding of identities in Relationships
How to deal with Negativity

The topic of the meaning of life is undoubtedly the most discussed as well as the most profound that has left countless people puzzled and troubled across the ages. Man has been searching for an answer to this mystery in the hope of finding direction in his life and to understand the ultimate purpose of his existence. The quest to answer this ultimate question is still very much alive today. Browse through bookstores and do a search on the internet and one can find many people discussing this topic.

Many people, including philosophers, book authors, as well as bloggers have stated views that such an ultimate question as well as its answer, is open to interpretation that makes it very subjective. The most common answers to the meaning of life include finding happiness, love or doing tasks that gives one a great sense of fulfillment upon completion.

Some people even feel that the answer to the meaning of life is too profound to be known and understood. Some even feel that life or human existence has no real meaning or purpose because they think that human existence occured out of a random chance in nature, and that anything that exists by chance has no intended purpose.

Such a mass of subjective and conflicting views about the most important question of human existence would no doubt continue to leave people confused, troubled and frustrated at finding purpose and motivation to lead their lives. As I go along with my explanation of the meaning of life in this book, I will explain how anything that exists in reality has a crucial, fundamental purpose that gave rise to its creation.

This book is the result of an extraordinary attempt to discover what the meaning of life question is really asking, and goes to formulate the real objective answer to such an ultimate question of existence.

The topic of my first book was intended to be on consciousness and its enhancement. I researched on consciousness so that I could help people enhance their consciousness, better navigate through their lives and avoid many of life's problems. I theorised that there is a consciousness mechanism in the mind that I self-named as 'CMech' that leads to our interpretation and awareness of our reality. Before I could finish up my manuscript on the topic I was overwhelmed by the many books dealing with the meaning of life and happiness topics in the bookstores I visited. The interest of people to understand the meaning of life and to find happiness in these books were so great I felt I had to provide my own contribution towards their understanding.

I have spent the last few years of my life researching and understanding the mind's consciousness, which is also called awareness. The intention of my consciousness research was to discover methods of enhancing consciousness so that people can use them to enhance their understanding of the world, improve life's navigation and overcome many of its obstacles. Since enhancing consciousness has similar results towards helping people finding their direction in life as well as happiness, I was able to integrate the findings of my consciousness research into this book.

My thoughts on the meaning of life and happiness were influenced by many religions and cultures. In this book, the reader can expect to find many references from religion such as Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Taoism and the Bible. Examples from American and Japanese cultures are also used for explanations.

The audience focus of this book is directed towards youth such as children and teenagers besides adults. Therefore I have tried my best to present my ideas in clear and simple english as far as possible. I would like to remind readers that my understanding of the meaning of life and happiness does not represent the absolute fact on the matter. They are strongly encouraged to keep an open and critical mind and question everything written. Younger readers are encouraged to increase their understanding of various terms and topics in this book by doing their own research and coming up with their own deliberated views.

I hope readers can find helpful answers towards finding their meaning of life and happiness from reading this book. Good luck.

Back Cover
What is the real ultimate meaning and purpose of our existence? What is happiness and how does one find it? These are ultimate questions of existence that have been asked and discussed many times across the ages with no clear and definite answers given. Ultimate questions demand ultimate answers and they are what readers will find in this book. The book seeks to formulate an objective ultimate meaning of life and explains how it can be possible without a belief in a higher intelligence or an after-life. The book also sheds light on a new understanding of emotions such as Anger, Guilt, Fear, Temptation and Love. This book is definitely one of the most important and powerful books you will ever read in your life to help you find direction and achieve lasting meaning and happiness in your life.

P.S. update 15/11/07

Some people have questioned me on what I wrote in this blog post on the validity for The Meaning of Life to be objective, since The Meaning of Life has been interpreted very subjectively by people. However, I did not mean to imply that everyone would agree with the answer in the book because I mentioned that people's belief systems are vastly different. I think the definition of 'objective' used in the context of this blog has been mistaken with 'Objectivity' from Philosophy, which states that true reality exists independent of the mind.

From , the definition of the word 'objective' used in context of my blog post is as listed-

5. not influenced by personal feelings, interpretations, or prejudice; based on facts; unbiased: an objective opinion.

I said in the blog post that I have managed to formulate a real and objective answer to the ultimate question of human existence. The formulation of the answer is based strictly on facts as well as logic and reasoning. Therefore, the answer is unbiased and is not influenced by personal feelings, personal interpretations, or prejudice. Therefore to say that I have managed to formulate a real and objective answer to the ultimate question of human existence even though people can interpret the question very subjectively, is not at all contradicting in statement.

P.S. update 23/11/07

I have received the book and cover proofs from iUniverse. After making some changes to the book and cover proofs, it should be available for purchase at iUniverse's website around middle December 2007. The price for the Ebook version is US$6 and the paperback version is US$9.95. It would make a great gift for Christmas.

P.S. update 26/11/07
I just realized that the 'restrict anonymous comments' option is turned on by default, which may have restricted people without blogger user accounts to comment in the blog. Apologies, I have turned off the setting.

P.S. update 07/12/07
The book is undergoing final production and is set to be released next week in the middle of December. There has been an auction at Ebay selling the answer to The Meaning of Life. Well, that seller is certainly not me.